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Vascular Neurology Fellows & Faculty

This weekly conference takes place on Thursday at noon. This forum is the core of our cerebrovascular didactics and is attended by the entire department. Topics and presenters are rotated throughout the year and include attendings, fellows and residents.

  • Core Lectures - Given by Ochsner Vascular Neurology attendings. This series covers the full spectrum of the cerebrovascular curriculum including presentations for each ischemic stroke etiology and topics on intracerebral hemorrhage.
  • M&M- A case review that provides a rich learning opportunity with multidisciplinary attendance, including NCC, NSG, Neuro-IR, ER, and hospital medicine teams. We evaluate system-based issues and root cause analysis and avenues that we can pursue to improve outcomes. This usually serves as a launching point for several QI projects amongst residents and fellows.
  • Journal Club - An in-depth analysis of a key publication relevant to the current practice of our field. This also provides an opportunity to discuss and review key aspects of EBM, biostatistics, and study design.
  • Case Conference – An interactive case or case series highlighting key learning topics and typically capped by a brief presentation and group discussion.
  • Invited Guest Speakers – Usually incorporates experts from fields that are adjunctive to the field, such as Vascular Surgery, Cardiology, Neuro-ophthalmology, etc. Historically, these have been from both Ochsner faculty and outside academic programs.

Once a month lecture series hosted by Dr. Tarsia with residents and fellows. This provides extra dedicated time to become more familiar with the interpretation of CTA and MRA via stroke code simulation scenarios. There are formal cerebrovascular anatomy lectures built into the sessions, but the most valuable component is the open-ended discussion and Q&A from trainees. Residents and fellows are encouraged to bring cases to review.

This monthly inter-departmental conference is hosted by Dr. James Michael Milburn, MD, Director of Ochsner Neuro-Interventional Services and Program Director of the Ochsner Radiology Residency. There is representation and case presentation from multiple academic centers across the state via Zoom, including neurologists, Neuro-IR and Neurosurgery. An exceptional forum for these physicians to not only demonstrate cases, but to collaborate on diagnostic dilemmas or management decisions.

This large, interdepartmental conference occurs every week on Wednesday mornings. It is not specific to vascular neurology but will include the toughest or most interesting vascular cases selected by the neuroradiology group throughout the previous week.

Contains orientation and onboarding information, access to a recommended reading list, and an organized and curated database of key clinical trials and studies within the neurovascular curriculum. It provides a good launching point for the new fellow as a helpful way to organize and formulate acquisition of knowledge within the field. This also serves as a legacy project that current fellows can contribute to during their time with us and have lifetime access.