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  • APTA confirmed that board certification is an independent factor generating a higher hourly rate than what is earned by a physical therapist who is not board certified.” For a neurologic specialist, this difference is on average +$7.55 per hour.
  • The American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education (ABPTRFE) has created this Financial Fact Sheet to provide financial transparency to applicants on the cost of undergoing residency and/or fellowship education. This program has completed Part 1 of the form. Please fill out Part 2 for a summary of your financial standing while completing the program.
  • Additional Program Sponsored Financial Assistance that Ochsner Neurologic Residency Program pays for that is not listed on the form:
    • The Neurologic Physical Therapy Professional Education Consortium: $850
    • CI Credentialing Course: $250
    • CEU Course Reimbursement: up to $500
      • Total: $1600

Ochsner Neurologic Financial Fact Sheet 2023-2024