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Philosophically, we structure the program curriculum so that the residents receive foundational knowledge early on in the Fall of their PGY2 year. In their Spring semester, the PGY2s get more breadth and depth of subspecialty exposure, thus developing a more sophisticated understanding of the various practice environments available as they plan their careers. This is, of course, dependent on their interests and staff availability.

Our PGY3s get more time in the Fall of the PGY3 year to explore and confirm any possible subspecialty leanings, and to shore up connections and CVs for fellowship applications in the Winter/Spring. This way, if there is a situation where a resident is torn between different subspecialities, they will have time to build their experience in whatever direction seems more of a fit for them, career wise.

In the PGY4 year, we give the PGY4s autonomy in the Ward Senior role, where they get a taste of what working as an attending would be like, with appropriate oversight. The idea here would be to grow the managerial skills of running a team and dealing with General Neurology Consults, and some days of the week, take Stroke Codes and some Stroke Consults as well.

In this manner of graduated responsibility, we try to build the clinical acumen of our residents in a controlled and progressive manner. Examples of some program specific resources and elective offerings are listed below.

AAN Board Prep is covered by GME for PGY4 residents.

This online course is available through GME for our residents which they can complete on a self-paced pattern prior to graduation. There are faculty members and biostatisticians affiliated with Ochsner who dedicate their time for formal didactics and to go over any questions if needed.

All residents receive access to BoardVitals during training and into the Fall of their post-graduate year.

Available electives, in addition to our core rotations, are listed below. Options are reviewed throughout the academic year and are subject to change based on availability. Away electives are also an option (application process and prior approval required).

EEG, EMG, Brain Injury and Sports Neurology Clinic, Epilepsy Clinic, Headache Clinic (OMC and Northshore), Interventional Radiology, Movement Disorder Clinic, Multiple Sclerosis Clinic, Neuro Ophtalmology Clinic, Neuro Otology, Neuro Radiology, Neuromuscular Clinic, Pain Medicine (Baptist), Palliative Medicine, Research, Sleep Medicine (Baptist), Spine Clinic (Baptist)


For the most part, didactics are held daily at noon. The most recurring series are described below. Additionally, we provide lectures on PM&R, headache, coding, and finances for residents.

We invite our alumni residents who have completed or are currently in fellowship training across the country to give lectures on their area of subspecialty training. This helps residents to get familiar with different approaches of practice.

Includes lectures on behavioral neurology and psychiatry topics by the faculty on every 2nd Wednesday of the month

Includes lectures by the faculty on every 2nd Tuesday of the month. We also have case conferences in which a resident will present an epilepsy case and 2 faculty members will walk the residents through their clinical approach to the case.

Grand rounds are held on every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month, presented by the faculty or invited lecturers.

Includes self-learning lectures by residents using webinars, videos, and online presentations from other institutes.

Includes lectures by the faculty on related neurocritical care topics.

Includes lectures by the faculty every 1st Tuesday of the month on relevant topics in neuroimmunology.

This is a multidisciplinary Tumor Board conference with neurosurgery and neuropathology discussing interesting cases. Conference takes place weekly on Tuesday mornings.

There are lectures done by neuropathologists reviewing different systems.

Multidisciplinary conferences with neuroradiology, neurosurgery, and vascular neurology discussing interesting cases. Taking place on every Wednesday morning.

Includes questions/RITE review sessions on the lecture done by faculty in the same week, with fun competitions among residents!

Includes lectures by faculty, journal clubs by the VN fellow(s), case conferences by the residents or fellow at noon on Thursdays (except the 4th Thursday of the month).

There is a monthly teaching CTA lecture.