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I am excited to introduce you to the Department of Pediatrics at Ochsner Hospital for Children. As the field of pediatrics has changed, our department has been leading the way, growing to meet the need of children in the Gulf South of the United States.

To meet the growing needs we have recruited faculty from the top-ranked children’s hospital around the country to establish cutting edge, innovative, multidisciplinary care for children here in New Orleans.

In the last decade we have opened the Boh Center for Child Development, which houses developmental pediatrics, therapy services, and multiple multidisciplinary clinics. We have expanded our PICU to include both a medical unit and a cardiovascular unit. We have teams leading pediatric specialized liver and heart transplant services. Every year we see more than 100,000 unique children from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, many other US states and other countries as well.

In growing the size of our pediatric residency training program, we are working to meet the needs of children locally and nationally. Using an innovative, longitudinal apprenticeship-model of training you will be ready to join our faculty or step comfortably into fellowship training at the completion of your training.

William Lennarz, MD
Program Chair