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The Ochsner Physician Scholars is a program for medical students admitted into the LSU Health Shreveport School of Medicine or the University of Queensland, Ochsner Clinical School. Eligible medical students can apply, and if selected, will receive a payment from Ochsner Health intended to be used for medical school expenses. In exchange, the student must commit to work in an Ochsner Health facility for five years after completing residency. Only those students interested in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine Primary Care, Internal Medicine Pediatrics Primary Care (dual certification) or Psychiatry are eligible.

  • Commitment to Family Medicine, Internal Medicine Primary Care, Internal Medicine Pediatrics Primary Care (dual certification) or Psychiatry
  • Academic Credentials
  • Financial Need
  • Individuals from a diverse or underrepresented populations as defined by the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC): “underrepresented in medicine means those racial and ethnic populations that are underrepresented in the medical profession relative to their numbers in the general population.”

Who do I notify and what is the process that I need to complete if I fail a course or rotation?

  • You must set up an appointment with the Office of Student Affairs at either The University of Queensland, Ochsner Clinical School or LSU Health Shreveport School of Medicine to discuss the circumstances surrounding your failure.
  • If this leads to an academic gap or withdrawing from the program, you will be required to repay the amount provided up to that point in accordance with the Ochsner Physician Scholars Retention Agreement.
  • If you fail to complete medical school or if you change your specialty interest prior to graduation you will be required to repay the full amount awarded plus an interest rate of 5.5% on the total balance owed in accordance with the Ochsner Physician Scholars Retention Agreement.

How many Ochsner Physician Scholars will be awarded annually?

  • There will be up to five Ochsner Physician Scholar awards awarded to students from The University of Queensland, Ochsner Clinical School.
  • There will be up to five Ochsner Physician Scholars available to LSU Health Shreveport School of Medicine students.

Am I required to perform research as an Ochsner Physician Scholar?

Research is encouraged, but not required.

No, the Ochsner Physician Scholar will receive a payment from Ochsner Health intended to be used for medical school expenses.

What are the tax implications, if any, by accepting the Ochsner Physician Scholar award?

All Ochsner Physician Scholar awards will be distributed less applicable state and federal withholdings. Scholars will receive a W2 from Ochsner Health and are encouraged to consult with a tax professional for tax advice.

Yes, you should consult with a tax professional for tax advice.

Can this program be applied retroactively for a recent graduate?

Please review the eligibility criteria.

Is this a reimbursement program or will Ochsner Health pay the medical school?

No. The money will be disbursed directly to the recipient.

How will this impact my ability to apply for and receive other financial aid?

Please speak with a tax professional to discuss the particulars of your circumstance. Ochsner Health cannot advise on personal financial aid matters.

When should I submit my application for the Ochsner Physician Scholars program?

Please see the detailed timeline for each group of Ochsner Physician Scholars.

  • Finalists will be notified to schedule an interview.
  • Once recipients are selected each year. all applicants will receive notification.

Can my Ochsner Physician Scholar recognition in the program be revoked?

Yes, poor academic performance, academic gaps, not passing standardized examinations on the first attempt, not matching into a qualified residency, not successfully completing residency, changing your specialty, or not committing to work at Ochsner Health will result in your recognition being revoked.

Can I accept financial support from other entities while accepting this award?

Yes. Please speak with a financial aid and/or tax professional to discuss the particulars of your circumstance. Ochsner Health cannot advise on personal financial aid and/or tax matters.

Between April 15 and July 15 each year.

The Ochsner Physician Scholars Retention Agreement sets forth the repayment obligations for failure to satisfy the program terms. Ochsner Health reserves the right to review each circumstance on a case-by-case basis.

All selected applicants will receive notification via email and certified letter and will be required to accept the award by signing the Ochsner Physician Scholars Retention Agreement.

Funds will be distributed annually directly to the Ochsner Physician Scholar.

What is the purpose of the Ochsner Physician Scholars Retention Agreement?

The Ochsner Physician Scholars program provides Scholars with funds intended to be used toward medical school expenses. In exchange for providing these funds, Scholars must execute an Ochsner Physician Scholars Retention Agreement that legally binds the Scholar to become employed by Ochsner Health as a full-time employee in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine Primary Care, Internal Medicine Pediatrics Primary Care (dual certification) or Psychiatry for a minimum of five (5) years upon completion of residency. The Ochsner Physician Scholars Retention Agreement details the Scholars’ obligations as well as the financial penalty for failing to comply with the Retention Agreement.

No, the Ochsner Physician Scholar will receive a payment from Ochsner Health intended to be used for medical school expenses.

Ochsner Health plans to offer the Ochsner Physician Scholars Program on an annual basis. Any updates will be communicated at the beginning of each calendar year.

What if my medical school raises tuition, will I be given additional funds to supplement the installments if tuition is increased?

The amount for each of the Ochsner Physician Scholar tracks is determined by Ochsner Health. Changes in medical school expenses, including tuition, will not affect the Ochsner Physician Scholars award amount.